
Indulge in the exceptional amenities at Tall Timbers, where every detail is crafted to elevate your stay in the heart of nature's embrace.

All renderings are for promotional purposes only and may contain upgrades beyond the standard features provided.  Actual cabin plans, colors, elevations, square footage and materials will vary and can change without notice.  The specific features in a cabin will vary from cabin to cabin depending on a variety of factors, including change orders and upgrades.  In its sole discretion, Lifestyle Contractors, LLC, reserves the right to substitute material, appliances and equipment with items of equal or greater value as determined by Lifestyle Contractors.   The pricing of cabins and lots, including any upgrade features, are subject to change without notice.  Please refer to your written real estate contract and written construction contract for Lifestyle Contractors contractual obligations with regard to your cabin purchase or lot purchase.  All amenities reflected on any site plan for the development, may or may not be built, in Lifestyle Contractor’s sole discretion.  The renderings shown for amenities are provided to demonstrate the developer’s ideas for full optimization of the development but should not be relied upon in making a decision to purchase a cabin within the development.  These amenities may, or may not, be built depending on a variety of factors and if built, will be subject to the timing best suited for Lifestyle Contractors.”